Contact Us

Please use the form below for your query:

Contact Us
Please select the topic of your enquiry
If it is about one of our products, please specify
If you want to elaborate on the topic please use this field.
Please provide us with the details of your enquiry.

Maximum file size: 36MB

Up-to 6 files with a maximum of 36MB and only PDF, JPG, PNG, GIF and TXT files are accepted

General pick-up times:

Monday: 1pm to 7pm
Tuesday: 1pm to 7pm
Wednesday: 1pm to 7pm
Thursday: 1pm to 7pm
Friday: 1pm to 7pm


Please make an appointment to assure someone will be there for hand-over!

Postal and Pick up address:

12 Odin Place, Beach Haven
Auckland, 0626

Phone: 021 1803408